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Active Repertory

WHERE-HOW-WHY TRILOGY (2012 preview)
Music by David Lang, Tosca and Joni Mitchell
Performers: 3 dancers
Time: 15 mins.

Solos made specifically for and with the women of the company, both subtly virtuosic and introspective, exploring questions we asked ourselves: of place, personal relevancy and reasons for continuing on an artistic path.

 "The first solo was danced by the always impressive Esmé Boyce, doing her signature impossible things, i.e., methodically contorting her body in serpentine ways and assuming tortuous poses, channeling a Giorgio de Chirico dress form or a pithed Hans Bellmer poupée. The (third) movement featured the ever-interesting Brenner herself in lithe, acrobatic recombinant symmetry/asymmetry. “Trilogy” closed with the trio of Brenner, Boyce and Sumaya Jackson accompanied by up-tempo electronica, conveying a kabuki of existential angst."


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