Active Repertory

PIECES OF TRUST DUET (original 1991) 2011
Music by John Lurie and Meredith Monk
Performers: duet
Time: 12 minutes
Photo Credits: Julie Lemberger (left) and Roy Gumbel (right)
"The intriguing duet from Pieces of Trust stands out for the fully-invested performances of Christopher Ralph and Sumaya Jackson, whose bodies offer vivid portraits of distortion, questioning, anxiety and, ultimately, disconnection." - Eva Yaa Asantewaa Infinte Body April, 2011
"Dancers Sumaya Jackson and Christopher Ralph shine in their duet from Pieces of Trust. Ralph’s back muscles ripple, stopping only when his hands spring back and press against his neck and lower back. As Jackson re-enters the space Ralph has stirred up, she brings an intense serenity, her body locked in the spotlight, her weight shifting from side to side, and arms criss- crossing up and down her body." - Jennifer Thompson, Eye On The Arts April, 2011