Active Repertory

A ''PEACE'' FOR WOMEN (2000-2001)
Music by Steve Reich
Performers: 5-14 dancersTime: 10 - 14 & 1/2 mins.
Photo Credit: Julie Lemberger
"In Brenner's rich "A 'Peace' For Women", dancers lead one another in patterns that bespeak harmony and words by Wittgenstein that inform the music: "How small a thought it takes to make a world...the many small thoughts Brenner has accumulated over 25 years of dance-making amount to a very bright, well-tended world." - Deborah Jowitt, THE VILLAGE VOICE February 2007
"A 'Peace' For Women" set to Steve Reich's choral "Proverb" (deserves to be seen more widely)... moving through beautifully crafted, interwoven moments of fluid motion and stillness. Clad in white, dancing with fervor, they looked like angels in the church." - Roslyn Sulcas, THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, February 2007